Beauty Products And How They Have Impacted Me Positively

Beauty Products And How They Have Impacted Me Positively

I feel like everyone has at least one thing that they are passionate about, and in turn that makes them feel driven and raises their spirits. For me personally, I have quite a few.

When I was at my lowest mentally it was honestly a real struggle to picture even one thing in my mind that I liked doing and I could focus on.

Somewhere along the way, I stumbled into the world of skincare and beauty products. My love for both has grown massively and it’s now something I try and always incorporate into my daily life. They genuinely make me happier and at the end of the day, that’s incredibly crucial in my own road to happiness.

So, you may be wondering why any of this is important. Well here’s the thing, I have found that if you don’t have hobbies and passions, it can lead to a lack of enthusiasm for life in general. I personally also believe that it negatively impacts your mental health, can keep your mood low and make depression harder to handle. 

I am hoping that this blog can demonstrate why having hobbies and things you love Is important and also to give you some insight into some of my personal hobbies.  


If I had to pick between skincare and makeup. It would be skincare. I have always had an interest in skincare mainly due to suffering with acne ever since I was a teenager. Acne played a major part in my self-confidence issues and still does even to this day. I know I am definitely not alone in this either. 

One of my big goals has been to get clear skin for a very long time. As a result of getting more into skincare, my skin has improved.

I have become less self-conscious of my skin and I love my daily skincare routine. It gives me some sort of purpose. I know that might sound quite strange, but for me going from hardly getting out of bed on my lowest days, to getting up and at the very least washing my face. It was definitely a big improvement. It also provides structure, I enjoy the process and it impacts me positively as I can see results.

There is also the other factor of learning something new. I love learning, I am a strong believer in you should never stop learning. I definitely get quite engrossed in videos and articles about skincare.  

I have recently made a skincare routine video on my YouTube channel if you’d like to check it out.

Beauty Products

Another goal of mine includes looking after my body, skin, hair and wanting to improve my makeup skills.

I’m not saying appearance is the most important factor of being happy by any means, but if you are not comfortable in your skin it does have a negative effect. Also, I believe personal preference comes into play and how you want to look is 100% your opinion.

While using beauty products I also feel like it’s a pamper session and is relaxing.

It helps me personally reduce stress and just like with skincare has positive benefits such as; improving hair vitality, smoothing your skin or even nail and hair growth.

With makeup, I feel like it can help with making me feel more confident when I go outside. I don’t actually wear foundation that much. In fact, for quite a few years I completely went off using it, now I like putting it on when I’m filming youtube videos. I feel like not wearing foundation a lot definitely helps to reduce acne.

My staple makeup is eyeliner and mascara, although I have recently got into eyeshadow and am really enjoying playing around with different looks. Another goal (Yes, I have many 😉 ) is to improve my skills with eyeshadow.  

Finally, I just want to say skincare and beauty products may not be for you and help with your own journey to happiness, but I hope I have shown you how passions are crucial and can really make a difference in your life.

Let me know below what your passions are and do you find skincare/beauty products impact you positively?


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