My Goals for August

My Goals for August

I truly believe goals are the gateway to success.

Making them doesn’t just automatically achieve them, but what it does mean is that you have a vision of something you want, and you are making progress to obtain it. Which, in my opinion, is an incredibly underrated step.

When I decided I wanted to create this blog, I knew I wanted to share monthly goals with you to hold myself accountable and hopefully encourage you to set your own goals.

My monthly plan is to set roughly 5-10 goals in different areas of my life. Some months might be more, some less. However, on my blog post each month I’m just going to share my top 3 goals. These will be the ones that are most important to me and I feel like this way I am more likely to accomplish them.

Some goals may turn into habits, some may continue onto the next month and some may be easier than I thought. Whatever they turn into, once they are completed I can move onto other goals and even set new ones!

My TOP 3 goals for August

  1. Finish a book. I love reading. Give me a romance or supernatural book (or both 😉 ) and I’ll be happy. However, when I am going through a particularly low time, I find I can’t get into and enjoy books. Which honestly sucks. For months last year I didn’t even pick up a book, fast forward to now, I have been reading again! I am loving it. So my aim for August is to finish one whole book and I reckon it will be a very fun goal to accomplish.
  2. Exercise twice a week. Now if you have depression you’ll probably know, at your lowest you can barely look after yourself, let alone exercise. I do actually enjoy exercising. It does make me feel good after and if you can find something that’s fun, even better! I will put my hands up and say, I completely fell out of doing exercise. The last couple of weeks I have started exercising twice a week and I definitely feel better for it. So the plan is to continue with it over August and hopefully it turns into a habit.
  3. Get my bedroom ready to paint. This is quite a big task, mainly because I am a bit of a hoarder and I have A LOT of stuff. I am trying to use up more items, clear out my wardrobe and clear space so I can begin painting my room ( I say me, It’s more my two lovely friends who are going to help me, Thank you 😉 ) My bedroom is where I currently film my YouTube videos and it definitely needs a revamp! I am hoping I can accomplish this one as soon as possible, however, I am prepared for this to overlap into the next month. So wish me luck!

What are your top 3 goals for August 2020? let me know in the comments below.


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